At Park West Medical, we strive to offer excellent medical services at the best possible price
*Our clinic is private only. Medical cards, GP visit cards, under 6 GP visit cards, and EHIC/E111 cards are not covered here.
Standard onsite consultation: €70
Saturdays : €80 / Sundays : €100
Standard remote consultation: €70
Weekdays only
Standard onsite consultation: 1 parent + 1 child (under 16): €120
€50 extra for each subsequent child
Extended consultation: €110
Multiple issues, up to 15 minutes
Double Slot Consultation : €140
Multiple Issues up to 20 minutes
Follow-up consultation: €50
Within 7 days
Injection: €35 extra
MSU: €35 extra
Swabs: €35 extra
Nebuliser: €30 extra
Ear Syringing: €90
Ear Syringing + consultation for unrelated issue: €50 extra
Driving License Medical: €75
Driving License Medical + consultation for unrelated issue: €50 extra
Wound dressing/ cuts with Steri-strips: from: €90
Depends on time spent. Consultation included.
Removal of stiches/staples: from: €90
Depends on time spent. Consultation included.
Standard consultation + Tetanus shot: €110
Consultation included.
Flu vaccination: €50
Privately sourced
Blood test, basic: €160
Up to 8 tests, excluding STI screen. Follow-up consultation included.
Blood test, basic+ Prostate Health check: €230
Up to 8 tests + PSA and physical prostate exam. Follow-up consultation included.
Blood test, basic + STI screen: €240
Up to 8 tests, including full STI screen. Follow-up consultation included.
Blood test, comprehensive: €215
Up to 26 tests, excluding STI screen. Follow-up consultation included.
Blood test, comprehensive + Prostate Health check: €285
Up to 26 tests + PSA and physical prostate exam. Follow-up consultation included.
Blood test, comprehensive + STI screen: €295
Up to 26 tests, including full STI screen. Follow-up consultation included.
Full standalone STI screen: €160
Follow-up consultation included.
Prostate health check: €160
PSA + physical prostate exam. Follow-up consultation included.
Prostate health check + Full STI screen: €240
PSA + physical prostate exam. Follow-up consultation included.
Full male well-being health check, comprehensive: €360
Physical exam + Comprehensive blood test + Full STI screen + Prostate health check (PSA+ physical prostate exam). Follow-up
consultation included.
Full female well-being health check, comprehensive: €360
Physical exam + Comprehensive blood test + Full STI screen. Follow-up consultation included.
Blood test: Basic/Comprehensive/STI screen/Prostate health check + consultation for unrelated issue: €70 extra
Pregnancy test(urine) with consultation: €80
Consultation included.
Private Antenatal/ Postnatal care: €70 per Visit
Private cervical screening test: €230
Menopause consultation: €300
Physical exam + blood test (Hormonal analyses). Follow-up consultation included.
Marina Removal: €120
Consultation included.
Contraceptive injection: €80
Consultation included. Does NOT include price of Depo-Provera.
Pre-employment Medical: €150
Urinalyses included. Does NOT include blood test.
Medicals without form: €120
Does NOT include blood test.
Medicals with forms: €140
Does NOT include blood test.
PIAB (Personal Injury Assessment Board) Primary Report: €500
Medico-legal report requested by a solicitor, insurance company or personally by patient.
PIAB (Personal Injury Assessment Board) Follow-up Report: €400
Medico-legal report requested by a solicitor, insurance company or personally by patient.
Travel consultation: €75
Travel vaccine, basic package (Monday to Friday Only): €180
Includes: Hep A, Typhoid, Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio. Consultation included.
Yellow fever (Approved Yellow fever Clinic): €45 extra
Hepatitis B: 1st shot: €40 extra, 2nd shot: €40+35 extra, 3rd shot: €40+35 extra, 4trth shot (if needed): €40+35 extra.
Hepatitis A: €40 extra
Hepatitis A junior: €40 extra
Typhoid: €30 extra
Tetanus, Polio, Diphtheria: €35 extra
Rabies: 1st shot: €70 extra, 2nd shot: €70+35 extra, 3rd shot: €70+35 extra
Meningitis ACWY: €70 extra
Anti-Wrinkle Treatments & Fillers
Women : One area : €145 Men : One area : €175
Two areas : €245 Two areas : €275
Three areas : €295 Three areas : €325
Lip Fillers :
0.5ml enhancement : €195
1.0ml enhancement : €295
Non-attendance fee:
- standard consultation: €20
- extended consultations €30
- for blood test: €40
If not cancelled 4 hrs prior to appointment.
Updated: 15.05.2024